What are trees? Trees are data structures which contain a node and one or more children. A binary tree is a tree in which each node is either empty or contains at max two children.
A binary tree...
root --------> R
/ \
/ \ / \
l r rl
A binary tree of height h<=0 has at max 2^h+1 - 1 nodes. And the height of the tree h = log2(n), where n is the number of nodes in the binary tree.
Lets check out the recursive functions used to traverse the binary trees:
1. Preorder traversal:
Preorder traversal does the following recursively :
-> visit the root
-> traverse left subtree
-> traverse right subtree
function preorder(tree)
if (tree == null) return;
call preorder(tree.left_subtree);
call preorder(tree.right_subtree);
2. Inorder traversal:
Inorder traversal does the following recursively :
-> traverse left subtree
-> visit the root
-> traverse right subtree
function inorder(tree)
if (tree == null) return;
call inorder(tree.left_subtree);
call inorder(tree.right_subtree);
3. Postorder traversal:
Postorder traversal does the following recursively :
-> traverse left subtree
-> traverse right subtree
-> visit the root
function postorder(tree)
if (tree == null) return;
call postorder(tree.left_subtree);
call postorder(tree.right_subtree);
4. Breadth-first or level-order traversal:
In Level-order traversal each level is visited successively starting from root(level-0) and nodes are visited from left to right on each level. This is generally implemented using a queue data structure.
- push the root node in the queue
- pop the node from the queue, push the left and right child node in the queue.
- pop the root->left node from the queue and push the left and right child node of root->left in the queue.
- pop the root->right node from the queue and push the left and right child node of root->right in the queue.
function levelorder(tree)
while(queue.size > 0)
Node n = queue.pop(); //get first node in queue
if (n.left != null) queue.push(n.left);
if (n.right != null) queue.push(n.right);
print n;
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