Have you ever thought about configuring vim? The same vim that you use for editing your files (you should be very familiar with vi editor if you are using unix-like systems). Yes, the editor is highly configurable.
Here are some of the basic tips for vim - Vi Improved 7.1
The global configuration file resides at /etc/vim/vimrc. And the local configuration file resides at your home folder. So if you are logged in as jayant and your home folder is /home/jayant, then your local configuration file would be /home/jayant/.vimrc. If you do not see color in your vi editor, you can do the following
syntax on
set background = dark
I have set the following as my default configuration
jayant@jayantbox:~$ cat .vimrc
set autoindent
set cmdheight=2 "command bar is 2 high
set backspace=indent,eol,start "set backspace function
set hlsearch "highlight searched things
set incsearch "incremental search
set ignorecase "ignore case
set textwidth=0
set autoread "auto read when file is changed from outside
set ruler "show current position
" set nu "show line number
set showmatch "show maching braces
set shiftwidth=2
set tabstop=2
set gfn=Courier\ 12
set t_Co=256
colorscheme oceandeep
This sets the tab width to 2 chars instead of the default 8. Color Scheme is changed to oceandeep. You can get Color schemes for vim from http://www.vim.org/scripts/script_search_results.php?keywords=&script_type=color+scheme&order_by=creation_date&direction=descending&search=search. Your color schemes have to be put in <home>/.vim/colors folder. Auto indenting has been turned on, so you dont need to press tab to indent your code.
Check out my vim using the oceandeep color scheme
1 comment:
nice article.
//Jadu, unstableme.blogspot.com
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