Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Priority Queue & Heapsort

A priority queue is a queue where each item has a priority associated with it. And the item with the highest priority is at the top of the queue. So, you will be removing the highest priority items from the queue first.

A priority queue can be implemented using a heap where the heap is implemented using a complete binary tree. A complete binary tree is supposed to have the heap property if the root has higher priority than its child and each child also follows the same heap property.

Now, lets try to understand this thing in english.

A complete binary tree is a tree filled from left to right. So, this is a complete binary tree. Also, it could be seen that for each node the root is always bigger than the child nodes. That is the heap property. And since the root has the highest priority and it is the first element, this is also a priority queue. If you remove the root, you will have to re-arrange the elements so that the new root again has the highest priority.

The benefit of using a heap structure is that inserting new element and removing root are handled in a constant O(log n) time, that is the time taken to re-arrange the elements. When the highest priority element is removed, we put the last element in the tree (lowest right element) at the root position. This new root is compared with both its children and if it has low priority as compared to either of its children, it is exchanged with the child. This goes on till the node resides at a place where its children are of lower priority and its parent is of higher priority. While inserting a new element, we place it at the last available node (remember, the tree should always be a complete tree), and move it up (basically follow the reverse procedure of removing root).

A heap of n elements could be easily stored using n sequential locations in an array. The left child node of node at position k is placed at position 2k, and the right child node is placed at 2k+1.

So, for the above heap, the elements would be stored as

16, 11, 9, 10, 5, 6, 8, 1, 2, 4

Lets check out the pseudo code for pushing and popping elements from the heap:

function heapPop(arr, count)
  start = (count-2)/2;
  while(start >= 0)
    shiftDown(arr, start, count-1);
    start = start=1;

function shiftDown(arr, start, end)
  root = start;
  while root*2+1 <= end // while root has only 1 child
    child = root*2+1;
    if ( child+1 < end ) and ( arr[child]<a[child+1] )
      child = child+1;
    if ( arr[root] < arr[child] )
      swap(arr[root], arr[child]);
      root = child;

function heapPush( arr, count)
  end = 1;
  while (end < count )
    shiftUp(arr, 0, end);
    end = end+1;

function shiftUp(arr, start, end)
  child = end;
  while (child > start )
    parent = floor((child-1)/2);
    if(arr[parent] < arr[child])
      child = parent;

function heapSort(arr, count) // input is unsorted array "arr" of "count" elements
  heapPop(arr, count);
  end = count-1;
  while(end > 0)
    end = end-1;
    heapPop(arr, count);

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Recursive algos

Few recursive algos:


function factorial(int n)
  if ( n==0 ) return 1;
  else return n*factorial(n-1);

Fibonacci numbers:

function fibo(int n)
  if( (n==0) || (n==1) ) return 1;
  else return fibo(n-1)+fibo(n-2);

Greatest common divisor of 2 numbers :

function gcd(int x, int y)
  if(y == 0) return x;
  else return gcd(y, x%y);

Tower of Hanoi: Given 3 pegs, one with a set of N disks of increasing size, determine the minimal/optimal no of steps required to move the disks from their initial position to another peg without placing a larger disk on top of a smaller one

function hanoi(int n)
  if(n==1) return 1;
  else return 2*hanoi(n-1)+1;

Binary search : Search an ordered array of elements by cutting the array in half on each pass

function binary_search(int* data, int tofind, int start, int end)
  int mid = start + (end-start)/2; // no float/double
  if(start > end)
    return -1;
  else if(data[mid] == tofind)
    return mid;
  else if(data[mid] > tofind)
    return binary_search(data, tofind, start, mid-1);
    return binary_search(data, tofind, mid+1, end);

Monday, December 15, 2008

google chrome on linux

So, you visit http://www.google.com/chrome every other day with the hope that there would be version of chrome for linux out. And everytime you see the "For Windows Vista/XP only", you feel jealous of windows users and you want to ask google guys why they came out with "chrome for windows" before "chrome for linux".

Though, we still do not have any official version of chrome for linux, i looked around and found 2 ways of installing chrome on linux. It is possible using wine.

1 way gives you a complete geeky way of doing it. You can find it here : http://www.myscienceisbetter.info/2008/09/install-google-chrome-on-linux-using-wine.html. But it did not work on my system. Some problem with ALSA it said.

So i looked again and again and found out something known as crossover chromium. You can find it here http://www.codeweavers.com/services/ports/chromium/. It provides pre-compiled binaries for installation on your system.

Basically the guys at codeweavers had taken up some developer build 21 of chrome from google and ported it on linux using wine. It would not update itself. But if you are able to install the "geeky" way, then chrome might update itself. Basically something to feel a bit satisfied till you get the "google chrome for linux" official version